Year Program Categorysort ascending Recipient Amount
2014 Community Grants Arts

Northern Clay Center
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Textile Center of Minnesota
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

The Schubert Club
Project CHEER Education Program

2012 Community Grants Arts

Northern Clay Center
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Minnesota Historical Society
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Afton Historical Society Press
Minnesota Modern: Six Artists of the Twentieth Century

2011 Invited Grants Arts

Cascade School of Music
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

Science Museum of Minnesota
Support for programs to create access for low-income and nontraditional communities

2014 Community Grants Arts

Saint Paul Conservatory of Music
Music for All Program

2013 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
General operating support

2011 Invited Grants Arts

Northern Clay Center
Support for programs for seniors

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Mead Art Museum
General operating support in memory of Kate Butler Peterson

2014 Community Grants Arts

Loft Literary Center
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

University of Minnesota Labor Education Service
Support for "Who Built the Capitol?"

2013 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Children's Museum
Support for the capital campaign

2014 Community Grants Arts

The Schubert Club
Project CHEER Education Program

2013 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Museum of American Art
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Graywolf Press
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

MacPhail Center for Music
Support for community partnerships

2014 Community Grants Arts

Bell Museum of Natural History
Support for programs to create access for low-income and nontraditional communities

2011 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
Gift of art from the Kate Butler Peterson Estate

2012 Community Grants Arts

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
General operating support

2013 Invited Grants Arts

Preservation Austin
Support for the Landmarks Program and local historic districts

2012 Community Grants Arts

Minneapolis Institute of Arts
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Minnesota Children's Museum
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

Walker Art Center
Support for programs to create access for low-income and nontraditional communities

2012 Community Grants Arts

Highpoint Center for Printmaking
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
In memory of Kate Butler Peterson

2012 Community Grants Arts

Ramsey County Historical Society
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

Highpoint Center for Printmaking
General operating support

2011 Invited Grants Arts

Afton Historical Society Press
The Women Artists Project

2012 Community Grants Arts

Milkweed Editions
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

MacPhail Center for Music
Support for Pathways to Performance

2012 Community Grants Arts

Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical & Cultural Research
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Humanities Center
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Science Museum of Minnesota
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Saint Paul Conservatory of Music
Music for All Program

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Coffee House Press
General operating support

2011 Invited Grants Arts

Methow Arts Alliance
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Walker Art Center
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Bell Museum of Natural History
Support for the Changing Exhibitions Program

2014 Community Grants Arts

Textile Center of Minnesota
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Methow Arts Alliance
General operating support

2012 Community Grants Arts

Loft Literary Center
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
Brillo Pad Box by Richard Pettibone

2013 Invited Grants Arts

Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
General operating support

2012 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Museum of American Art
General operating support

2014 Community Grants Arts

General operating support

