Year Programsort ascending Category Recipient Amount
2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Headwaters Foundation for Justice
The Giving Project

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
Digitizing Iraq's manuscript heritage

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Keystone Community Services
Meals on Wheels and Basic Needs Program

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Kids in a New Groove
The Lessons are the Lifeline program

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Environment

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Little Sisters of the Poor
The Holiday Food Program and other needs

2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

MAP for Nonprofits
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Meals on Wheels and More
The Meals on Wheels program

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Minneapolis Institute of Arts
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Historical Society
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Museum of American Art
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Nonprofits Assistance Fund
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Prostitution Research & Education
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Ramsey County Historical Society
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Environment

The Nature Conservancy
Saint Croix River protection

2015 Invited Grants Environment

The Trustees of Reservations
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

University of Minnesota Foundation
Support of a philanthropic learning opportunity on collaboration across organizational boundaries

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Foodbank
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Women's Foundation of Minnesota
Support of regranting efforts

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Worcester Art Museum
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Catholic Charities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
General operating support

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Engaging allies in the medical field to address victims of commercial sexual exploitation

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Artistic apprenceships during summer 2016 for 24 teenagers facing homelessness

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Family Housing Fund
Operations and strategic priorities of the Heading Home Minnesota Funders Collaborative

2015 Invited Grants Human Services

Little Sisters of the Poor
The Holiday Food Program and other needs

2015 Invited Grants Arts

Walker West Music Academy
The "Music Lives Here" capital project

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

180 Degrees
Bold Future 2020 Project

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Community Services for Aging

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Breaking Free
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Capital Area Food Bank of Texas, Inc.
The Kids Cafe Program

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Catholic Charities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Higher Ground / Dorothy Day Capital Campaign

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Catholic Charities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Arts

Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Green Doors
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Culture Reframed
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Arts

Franconia Sculpture Park
The 20th Anniversary Campaign: Imagination in Action

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Groundworks Collaborative
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Saint Paul Fellowship Club Capital Campaign

Invited Grants Human Services

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Headwaters Foundation for Justice
General operating support and regranting

2016 Invited Grants Arts

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Keystone Community Services
Meals on Wheels and Basic Needs Programs

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Little Sisters of the Poor
The Holiday Food Program and other needs

2016 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

MAP for Nonprofits
General operating support

2016 Invited Grants Human Services

Meals on Wheels and More
The Meals on Wheels program

