Year Programsort descending Category Recipient Amount
2020 Invited Grants Arts

Springboard for the Arts
Support for artists during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Emergency Fund for Families in Crisis

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research
General operating support and philanthropic programming in memory of Peter M. Butler

2020 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Tech Impact
Cybersecurity training for nonprofit organizations

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Tech Impact
Cybersecurity training for nonprofit organizations

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

East African Healing Services
Chemical dependency program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hallie Q. Brown Community Center
COVID-19 emergency relief

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Hmong American Partnership
COVID-19 emergency relief

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

The Bridge for Youth
Capacity-building efforts

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center
Building mental health service capacity

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Headwaters Foundation for Justice

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Keystone Community Services

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Propel Nonprofits

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Environment

Wilderness Inquiry
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Foodbank
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Environment

The Nature Conservancy
Our Water Campaign

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Rescue Inc.
2020 Campaign for Rescue

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Prostitution Research & Education
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

One World Surgery
Dominican Republic Capital Campaign

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Mercy Home for Boys & Girls
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Keystone Community Services
Food Shelf Program

2020 Invited Grants Environment

International Dark-Sky Association
General education, outreach, and public policy work

2020 Invited Grants Arts

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Girls on the Run - Chicago
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Family Pathways
Rural Aging Services Program

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Culture Reframed
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
General operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

CLUES: Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio
Latino Elder Day Center

2020 Invited Grants Environment

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Preservation initiatives and general operating support

2020 Invited Grants Human Services

Casa Myrna
General operating support for EVA Center

2021 Invited Grants Regranting & Nonprofit Technical Assistance

Playwrights Center

2019 Invited Grants Arts

Creative Enterprise Zone
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

Mercy Home for Boys & Girls
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Arts

Minnesota Public Radio
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

One World Surgery
Dominican Republic Capital Campaign

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

Prostitution Research & Education
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

Rescue Inc.
2019 Campaign for Rescue

2019 Invited Grants Arts

Somali Museum of Minnesota
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

Vermont Foodbank
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Environment

Wilderness Inquiry
General operating support

2019 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

2021 Invited Grants Human Services

Women's Freedom Center
General operating support

